Saturday 23 June 2007

nuelliac bridge april 07

Strange things happen to my friend Chinese Fred. For a start he is not Chinese and his name is not Fred . but that is what he is called and each year he spends a couple of weeks at our cottage with his wife Judy. Once whilst fishing the Blavet, he caught a terrapin which promptly bit him . He claims to have caught a foul tempered turtle but I am sure it was a terrapin because I have seen one or two around. Almost as odd is the fact that Fred once caught 15 lbs + of big dace from the Nuelliac area of the river. Now I had never fished this part of the river because I never really liked the look of it here. By chance Heather and I had some time to kill one day and walked the towpath for half an hour. Upon our return , like all anglers, I could not resist a peep over the bridge. Unbelievable! Solid with roach , chublets and what I was fairly sure were big dace. I just love dace fishing so 7 0 clock that evening found me modifying a lightish rig of .5 gr to 07 shogun line and a sz 20 b511. I was not in the least suprised to start catching straight away and what a beautiful spot on a glorious evening. The dace that I had hoped for were not forthcoming but scale perfect roach to a pound + more than made up for that . It is not that often that all seems to go to plan but this really was good fishing the only little blot on the evening came when a french chap and his girlfriend were struggling to get their small boat out of the water. I must admit to being sorely tempted to ignore them but knew I had to do the right thing and offer assistance, obviously irritated that I would have to leave my fishing. I offered to take them to the nearest farm to get a tractor but he explained that he was the local farmer and lived only a short distance away, so I was able to carry on catching fish. In just the 2 hours before dark I had 40 roach , 3 dace, 3 bleak, 2 rudd , 1 chub and 1 hybrid for around 15lbs . A lovely evenings fishing in beautiful , peaceful surroundings.